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About Our School

The school tries to impart the best possible education to all without making any profit and without any distinction of caste or creed.

The school is divided into six Houses which are named after six rivers. Different students are given different Houses and class appointments, thus inculcating in them leadership qualities, a sense of responsibility, healthy competition and teamwork. In this way, the school emphasizes producing able leaders and good citizens of tomorrow.We also lay emphasis on co-curricular and extracurricular activities, thus maintaining a healthy balance between the 'head and heart'. The school believes in learning through work experience, thus training the students in the values of dignity of labour.

With these aims constantly in mind, it is our endeavour to develop in each student the following:-

  • A mastery of skills of communication & learning.

  • The ability to think clearly, logically and independently.

  • understanding and appreciation of cultural, scientific, economic and political ideas and practices.

  • Good health and physical fitness enabling the students to live an energetic wholesome and productive life.

  • An appreciation of ethical and social values.

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